Here is a simple dynamic function to create a smooth ,Google plus like animated vertical page scroll in jQuery.
Create a page with various divisions and give a unique "id" to it.
Also, create another div and name the ID as "div_name", we will access this to display the name of the scrolled division.
<div id="div_name</div>
create links and onclick of each link call the JavaScript function "scroll_section(ide)" , will see it in detail next.
here, "div10" is the ID of the division you want the page to be scrolled.
Now for the function,
The first code in the function, is used to display the name of the current division you have scrolled into, with the animation delay of 1000 ms and $('#div_name').html("Page"+ide) will output the name of that division, hence make sure you give genuine name to ID tag.
The second piece of code will actually find the div element you have called and it will scroll that particular division onto the window top with smooth scrolling, with a delay of 1000ms.
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $("#"+ide).offset().top},1000);
That is it guys!.
kindly help the blog to grow in anyway you can. ;)
Here is a simple dynamic function to create a smooth ,Google plus like animated vertical page scroll in jQuery.
Create a page with various divisions and give a unique "id" to it.
Also, create another div and name the ID as "div_name", we will access this to display the name of the scrolled division.
create links and onclick of each link call the JavaScript function "scroll_section(ide)" , will see it in detail next.
<a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="scroll_section("div10")">Division10</a>
here, "div10" is the ID of the division you want the page to be scrolled.
Now for the function,
function scroll_section(ide)
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $("#"+ide).offset().top},1000);
The first code in the function, is used to display the name of the current division you have scrolled into, with the animation delay of 1000 ms and $('#div_name').html("Page"+ide) will output the name of that division, hence make sure you give genuine name to ID tag.
The second piece of code will actually find the div element you have called and it will scroll that particular division onto the window top with smooth scrolling, with a delay of 1000ms.
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $("#"+ide).offset().top},1000);
That is it guys!.
kindly help the blog to grow in anyway you can. ;)